Taif Rose Honey
BENEFITS OF TAIF ROSE HONEY: * Powerful antidepressant properties * Relieves spasm of involuntary muscle activity * Boosts testosterone * Promotes fertility * Antiviral * Antibacterial * Antiseptic * Anti-inflammatory * Antispasmodic * Aphrodisiac
Ta’ifi Rose Honey is harvested in the mountains of Al-Shifa and Al-Hada, Saudi Arabia. Before the roses are picked, the bees travel from flower to flower, collecting the rare and precious nectar of these roses, for our unique and precious Taifi rose, Honey.TAIF ROSE HONEY
Located in Saudi Arabia, Taif is known as the “City of Roses”. The famous damask rose was imported by the Rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Ta’if is world-renowned for its native, 30-petal damask rose. There are approximately 2000 farms dedicated to growing the Ta’if rose.
This honey is not to be confused with other floral kinds of honey, abundantly available in supermarkets across the world. Unlike other floral honey, this honey is not infused with the flavor or scent of the Taif rose. Rather, the bees who produce this honey, feed exclusively from this rose, in order to produce this prestigious, totally unique, extremely nutritious, and luxurious honey. The taste, color, and scent of this honey are truly unlike any other.
Our honey is produced by traditional beekeeping methods with only the simplest tools used
No chemicals, additives, preservatives, heating process or drugs have been used – completely raw. No machinery used either.
The most important thing is that the bees are not fed any sugar unlike any cheap supermarket honey. It’s a process proudly carried out through generations where they use smoke from dried camel skins and machetes to harvest the liquid gold’. This is how both our honeys are kept pure and don’t lose any of its healing powers.
We only want to sell the best quality honey to our customers, the same honey that Honoor use within our family daily for generations.
100% Raw Honey
100% Pure Raw Honey